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Der unsichtbare Vater Juliane_Klein_
Der unsichtbare Vater Juliane_Klein_ 8
Der unsichtbare Vater Juliane_Klein_ 9

Der unsichtbare Vater

Piece Published by Edition Juliane Klein
Estimated Duration
1 - 5min

ISMN : 979-0-2325-0165-9

In Stock
Notes on this piece
The children's opera “Der unsichtbare Vater” (“The invisible father”) is based on the children’s book of the same name by Amelie Fried. The opera has some peculiarities. It is remarkable that the instrumentalists take over three of the four stage roles. The accordionist plays the mother, the saxophonist the father and the percussionist Ludwig, the new boyfriend of the mother. Only Paul, the son, is represented by a singer. In this way, the instrumental music does not only accompany the action, it becomes the action itself. The music represents the characters. And vice versa: The action on the stage, the noises of various objects (e.g. a kettle, an egg timer) and the persons acting, becomes music. In this way, contemporary music becomes concrete. Everybody, children as adults, can experience music in a direct way. Another specific characteristic of the opera is that the audience takes an active part in the stage action. The tasks of the audience are designed in ways that they could be studied with the musicians directly before the performance. For example the song of the mother “Was vorbei ist, ist vorbei” (“What is over, is over”), or a whispering chorus for Paul which shell encourage him. Or the tumultuous party on the fair at the end of the opera, when Paul loses Mum and Ludwig.
Duration: 50 mins

This score is published by Edition Juliane Klein publishing house. You can read the full score online through our Subscription service.
For buying or hiring the score please contact Edition Juliane Klein.

Edition Juliane Klein Collection at BabelScores
Tenor voice|Accordion|Saxophones|Percussions|Audience
Score Details
Format - A4 / US Letter
Pages - 38

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