Siraseth Pantura-umporn

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Studied music compositionwith Prof. NarongritDhamabutra thenhis long time advisor, Prof. WeerachatPremananda in Bangkok.
Beside study with his advisor, he mainly self taught in contemporary music in which he interested since he was 15 years of age. Moreover, extensive experiences from informal lessons and talking with many composers such as Jack Body, ChinaryUng and Peter Eötvös become significant part as well as inspiration in his compositional life.
His several awards in music composition such as. 2002, The23rdIrino Prize for Orchestra in Japan,as the first composer from southeast Asian country,with his first orchestral piece, Chromosphere (poem of the sun) for 65 musicians.In 2004-2006, The Young Thai Artist Award in music composition 3 times consecutively.In 2006, Finalist in the Thailand International Composition Competition for Saxophone.In 2014, his composition “Awakening/Serenity” for orchestra has been selected by Peter Eötvös to be a finalist in the Takemitsu composition award in Japan. In 2015 awarded as the first prize winner in the Asia Pacific saxophone composition competition for his “Pulse II” for saxophone quartet
Moreover, he had been supported by Fund for classical music promotion under patronage HRH Princess Galyanivadhana of Thailand toparticipated the Stockhausen course for composition in Kurten, Germany in the year of 2004. 2007, received scholarship fromTongyeong International Festival Academy to participate the composition class with Sidney Corbett. Recently, Peter Eötvös nominated him for being a composer in resident at the HerrenhausEdenkoben, Germany for 5 months in 2016.
Searchingfor new consonant materials, The composerblended noise, extended instrumental techniques and complicated rhythm to Thai traditional music.To notate an improvisation of highly decorated melodic line from Thai traditional singing technique in strict pulse and superimpose them in many layer.Heterophonic texture as reminiscence of eastern music ensemble is one of significant compositional option where each other share the same melody but transform into different ways.
In recent works his pieces shown an influence of Buddhist and Zen mindfulness practicing and meditation. As first exploration in his “Awakening/serenity” for orchestra which is less complicate than before.
His works have been performed in International society of contemporary music, Asian composer league’s Asian music festival, Yogyakarta contemporary music festival, Tongyeong international music festival, Thailand international composition festival, New music festival phnom Penh, Singapore saxophone symposium,Ryogoku Art Festival, etc. by various ensemble e.g. New Japan Philharmonic, Tokyo Philharmonic, Orchestra Internazionaled’Italia, Bangkok Symphony Orchestra, Ensemble Kochi, Ensemble TIMF, Luxembourg Sinfonietta, Amigo saxophone quartet, etc. musicians and conductor e.g. Isao Matsushita, Peter Veale, Yoichi Sugiyama, Yoshikazu Tanaka, Keri Mccarthy, Christian Arming, BunditUngrangsee, Satoko Inoue, Takeo Tchinai, Akiko Fujita, JamornSupapol, ShyenLee,etc. In Asia, Europe and America.
Tri par année. Les pièces les plus recentes apparaissent d'abord

Groupe de Chambre (2 - 4 instruments)

4+4=1 for violin and viola (2023)
Outside In for string quartet (2016)
Abstract Particles I for 2 piano (2015)
Pulse II for saxophone quartet (2014)

Instrument Solo

Reflecting mosaics for guitar solo (2023)
Breath for accordion solo (2017)
Trace I for singing timpanist (2017)
Cosmic Chimes for piano solo (2016)
Farbentraum for tenor saxophone (2006)

Ensemble Pierrot (fl, cl, vln, vlc, piano)

Matter:Antimatter for 5 musicians (2018)

Instruments et électronique

Shade/Shadow for Saxophone double quartet (2018)
Drone for woodwind quintet and piano (2014)

Orchestre Symphonique

Fertile for orchestra of 86 musicians (2018)
Awakening/Serenity for orchestra (2013)

Quatuor à Cordes

Outside In for string quartet (2016)

Musique Instrumentale

Reflecting mosaics for guitar solo (2023)
4+4=1 for violin and viola (2023)
Matter:Antimatter for 5 musicians (2018)
Breath for accordion solo (2017)
Trace I for singing timpanist (2017)
Cosmic Chimes for piano solo (2016)
Abstract Particles I for 2 piano (2015)
Bells for piano solo (2015)
Pulse II for saxophone quartet (2014)
Untitled 5-2550 for symphonic band (2014)
Waves for orchestra (2014)
Farbentraum for tenor saxophone (2006)
Chromosphere (poem of the sun) for orchestra of 65 musicians (2002)

Musique Orchestrale

Fertile for orchestra of 86 musicians (2018)
Waves for orchestra (2014)
Awakening/Serenity for orchestra (2013)
Chromosphere (poem of the sun) for orchestra of 65 musicians (2002)

Grand Ensemble (20 - 35 instruments)

Untitled 5-2550 for symphonic band (2014)

Quatuor de Saxophones

Pulse II for saxophone quartet (2014)
4+4=1 for violin and viola (2023)
Abstract Particles I for 2 piano (2015)
Awakening/Serenity for orchestra (2013)
Bells for piano solo (2015)
Breath for accordion solo (2017)
Chromosphere (poem of the sun) for orchestra of 65 musicians (2002)
Clap and tap for 2 body percussionists (2023)
Cosmic Chimes for piano solo (2016)
Drone for woodwind quintet and piano (2014)
Farbentraum for tenor saxophone (2006)
Fertile for orchestra of 86 musicians (2018)
Matter:Antimatter for 5 musicians (2018)
Outside In for string quartet (2016)
Pulse II for saxophone quartet (2014)
Reflecting mosaics for guitar solo (2023)
Ripples for 7 musicians (2017)
Shade/Shadow for Saxophone double quartet (2018)
Trace I for singing timpanist (2017)
Untitled 5-2550 for symphonic band (2014)
Waves for orchestra (2014)
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