Román González Escalera

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Ordered by year. Most recent works appears first

Solo Instrument

Like a piece of ice on a hot stone (Inner Working III) for guitar (2023)
Como agua que no se derrama for solo flute (2019)
Reflejos del aura for solo cello (2017)
Aftershock (IX-23-1980) for solo viola (2015)

Chamber Group ( 2 - 4 instruments )

Variaciones sobre un púrpura profundo for bass clarinet, electric guitar, cello and percussion (2020)
Ops (Inner working I) for saxophone quartet (2018)
Regina Tenebrarum for Tenor Sax., piano and percussion (2016)
Memories II for bassoon and percussion (2016)

Symphony Orchestra

Viraje perpetuo: Las hoces del río Duratón for orchestra (2019)
Nunca solo...(Fuego mudo)...solo nunca for large orchestra (2016)

Saxophone Quartet

Ops (Inner working I) for saxophone quartet (2018)

Chamber Ensemble (5 - 9 instruments)

Espejismo volátil for chamber ensemble (2018)

Ensemble (10 - 19 instruments)

On/Off for saxophone ensemble (2017)
Aftershock (IX-23-1980) for solo viola (2015)
Como agua que no se derrama for solo flute (2019)
Espejismo volátil for chamber ensemble (2018)
Like a piece of ice on a hot stone (Inner Working III) for guitar (2023)
Memories II for bassoon and percussion (2016)
Nunca solo...(Fuego mudo)...solo nunca for large orchestra (2016)
On/Off for saxophone ensemble (2017)
Ops (Inner working I) for saxophone quartet (2018)
Reflejos del aura for solo cello (2017)
Regina Tenebrarum for Tenor Sax., piano and percussion (2016)
Variaciones sobre un púrpura profundo for bass clarinet, electric guitar, cello and percussion (2020)
Viraje perpetuo: Las hoces del río Duratón for orchestra (2019)
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