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Results 865 - 960 of 1959
Chamber Group ( 2 - 4 instruments )
Play audio recordings of these piecesLa chute du Rouge
per clarinetto, violoncello, vibrafono...
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La continuità interrotta (à Elliott Carter)
for flute and piano
7,21 €
La desolación está al fondo
For 2 guitars & 1/2 portable speaker/s....
9,27 €
La gran soledad: String Quartet no. 2
in memoriam Franscisco Iovino
11,00 €
La palabra del deseo II
extrait de l'Enfer Musical d'Alejandra...
10,30 €
La sombra de la sombra de un objeto aún no encontrado
for prepared string quartet and...
9,27 €
La tempête a béni mes éveils maritimes
[Dittico Rimbauld nº 2] per flauto,...
9,00 €
La volière des écureuils bleus
for two performers on a prepared piano
7,21 €
lamento de metal, rumor de alambre, voz de junco, también latido, vena
for bass flute, tenor saxophone and...
10,30 €
Le Braccia della Foresta No.1
"The Arms of the Forest" No.1, for 4...
10,00 €
Le Braccia della Foresta No.2
"The Arms of the Forest" No.2, for 4...
10,00 €
Le Braccia della Foresta No.3
"The Arms of the Forest" No.3, for 4...
10,00 €