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Results 385 - 480 of 1959
Chamber Group ( 2 - 4 instruments )
Play audio recordings of these piecesDe la belleza de la luz rendida (o La mariposa y la llama)
Surrendered by light's beauty (or The...
7,30 €
De profundis clamavi (hommage à Alban Berg)
for string quartet and electronics...
9,27 €
de rerum natura I “el leñador”
for amplified string quartet + video
9,27 €
Débris d'instants furtifs
for bass clarinet, viola and percussion
9,00 €
Dialogo tra un matematico e il suo amico invisible
pour deux clavecins
9,27 €
Diary: Entry II - 60:30+5 (Berceuze pour Polydor)
for flute violoncello and piano
6,18 €
Diary: Entry V (Go end there)
for voice, flute, piano and contrabass
6,18 €