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Results 769 - 864 of 1959
Chamber Group ( 2 - 4 instruments )
Play audio recordings of these piecesI Cimbri e il Verruca
melologo dall’omonimo poema (1867) di...
14,00 €
if at first it sounded like rain
for clarinet, e-guitar and electronics
10,00 €
if at first it sounded like rain
for clarinet, e-guitar and electronics
10,00 €
If there was a quality of very strong electrical light
for e-guitar, objects and electronics
9,00 €
Impresiones del rio de la Plata
musiques inspirées des formes de danses...
9,27 €
In Memoriam Jean-Claude Risset
To be performed with the BabelBox
9,27 €
In the red fire of passion
For Mezzo-Soprano, Alto Flute and...
9,00 €
in which the low-hanging fruit is casually derailed
(2018, op. 43) for amplified concert...
9,00 €
In wind, water and waiting
Dedicated to Heather Roche and Eva...
9,27 €
Ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing into
for violin, viola, and electronics
10,00 €
Introduction, Improvisation et Chasse
pour Cor, Trompette et Trombone
9,27 €