there was never ground beneath your feet
for string quartet
La sombra de la sombra de un objeto aún no encontrado
for prepared string quartet and...
Maria and the Ferryman (Maria on her way from Hungary)
for Clarinet and Piano
The clouds are red & The little rooster crowed
for Clarinet and Piano
de rerum natura I “el leñador”
for amplified string quartet + video
...and I placed my arm around your shoulder
string quartet 1
...moja su usta prljavo svetilište...
for Saxophone Quartet
Trakl Lied – Einklang III
for string quartet and soprano
Moment Étincelant
Sunghyun Lee - Moment Étincelant pour...
Andante Luminoso III
Andante Luminoso III per Quartetto...
Sudario sin rostro
Sudario sin rostro Cuarteto de cuerdas...
Introduction et allegro pour quatuor à cordes
Hommage à Ravel
A Colossal Blossom
for Electric String Quartet, Effects,...
Von contrapunctus VI
for string quartet, to Dalia Quartet
Nachklang 1: Trägheit-Studie
for violin, violoncello and piano
segon quartet de corda
For two violins, viola, and cello
Quartet de corda núm. 3, «Forma infinita»
For two violins, viola, and cello
Cuarteto de Cuerdas No.1
Resonancia y batimiento en torno a una...
Cuarteto de Cuerdas No.1
Resonancia y batimiento en torno a una...
Kichik Deniz Kuchesi - String Quartet No.2
string quartet
5th String Quartet - TonArt Version
semi-improvisational elements
De la belleza de la luz rendida (o La mariposa y la llama)
Surrendered by light's beauty (or The...
La gran soledad: String Quartet no. 2
in memoriam Franscisco Iovino
Carving Our Wooden Bodies
for String Quartet and Objects
Flickering sparks in connecting tunnels
pour quatuor de saxophones et...
una ragnatela in un pezzo di vetro
for saxophone quartet
soy todo lo que vuela
for saxophone quartet and electronics
The most delicate flower
for three to eleven performers
Tones, Noises, Melodies and Rhythms
for a group of people (at least four...
Between the We and the I
for a group of people (at least three...
The f duo
for two good friends, laptop(s), mp3...
One Minute is more than One Minute
for a group of people (at least five...