Ex essentia machinae
for tenor saxophone, percussion, piano...
everything I've ever let go off has claw marks on it
for 9 musicians
Everlasting Blossoms in the Spring Breeze
for Viola and Balinese gamelan gong...
Even the sky, screams sometimes too
for alto block flute and bayan
Etudes pour théâtre acoustique
Installation sonore pour diffusion 3D...
Etudes pour théâtre acoustique
Installation sonore pour diffusion 3D...
Etude Théâtrale de l’Exploration du Timbre
'Theatrical Study on the Exploration of...
Etude pour un jour de pluie
pour ensemble de 9 instrumentistes...
Etude Fm-En-Bb -semitone (Hommage à G. F. H.)
for trombone quartet
et j'ai percu ce vol étrange
Commande Radio France pour Alla Breve...
Estado Interior II.2 / Innerer Zustand II.2
for bass clarinet and resonators
Estado Interior II.2 / Innerer Zustand II.2
for bass clarinet and resonators
Estado Interior II / Innerer Zustand II
for tenor saxophone and resonators
Estado Interior II / Innerer Zustand II
for tenor saxophone and resonators
Estado Interior I / Innerer Zustand I
for flute, clarinet, piano, violin and...
Estado Interior I / Innerer Zustand I
for flute, clarinet, piano, violin and...
Esercizi di stile
per tenore e dieci strumenti su testo...
Es del alma todo el paisaje
For tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone...
epiglottis, version 2
for 2 sopranos, flute(s), clarinet(s),...
Ensaios Sobre Cantos IV
for amplified adufe and electronics