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Concerto pour violoncelle
À mon très cher ami Anssi Karttunen.
15,00 €
Samhlaíocht ar 'Port na bPúcaí'
(Fantasia on 'Port na bPúcaí) for...
9,00 €
la memoria incendiada ("the burning memory")
for piano and transducers
12,00 €
for recorder, baroque violine, viola da...
12,00 €
For bass clarinet, electronics and small portable devices (mobile telephones or small speakers)
Islas: solo es real la niebla
17,00 €
objets à réaction poétique
for 2fl. cl. sax. bsn. 4tbn. 2perc....
13,00 €
un lenguaje hecho de células
for four or more instruments/voices +...
12,00 €
Interacting with Infinity
Version for flute, violin, viola,...
12,00 €
(On) The Other Side of The Skin
for Soli, Choir, Orchestra and...
18,00 €